Sunday, July 3, 2011

2011.06.30 Yong Hwa’s Tweet

 안녕하세요 용화입니다 첫방송 재미있게 보셨나요? 멤버들과 BOICE분들의 응원덕분에 민혁이랑 열                             심히 촬영하고 있습니다! 넌내게반했어 앞으로 더 많이 관심 가져주시고 사랑해주세요 오늘도 본방사수 잊지 마시구요! 감사합니다 넌내반 화 팅!

[TRANS] Hi, this is Yonghwa. Did you enjoy watching the first broadcast? Because of all the support from the members and BOICEs, me and Minhyuk are working hard filming! Please give ‘Falling in Love / Heartstring’ much interest and love in the future. Also don’t forget to watch today’s episode! Thank you. ‘Falling in love’ hwaiting!
Trans: blue_jus7 @ CodeAzzurro
Source : CNBLUE Twitter


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