Friday, July 15, 2011

G.NA celebrates her first anniversary

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since her debut, but G.NA is celebrating her first anniversary!

On July 15th, G.NA tweeted, “Wow!  It’s exactly a year since my debut. I debuted with ‘I’ll Back Off So You can Live (feat. Yong Junhyung)’ on July 15th, 2010.”
She continued, “Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me and given me their love, especially my fanclub, G.NI, and our Cube Entertainment family. Together, let’s become the best. The reason I sing with love and passion is because of all of you. This is just the beginning.”
Fans commented back, “Already a year? Congratulations!”, and “We’re all looking forward to your future.”