Saturday, August 27, 2011

IU to face stiff competition for October comeback

IU will make her comeback this fall with a full album.

Loen Entertainment representative revealed, “IU is currently busy recording with plans to release her album in October. She is working hard because it’s an important album for her.
IU will have some stiff competition as later this year, KARA and SNSD will also be making their respective comebacks in September and October.
IU is working with famous musicians for her new album, and with her overwhelming ”Good Day“ success, expectations are higher than ever. Previously, singer/producer Lee Juk tweeted, “I’m working on a song for IU’s full album,” and announced his involvement in IU’s upcoming album.
Loen Entertainment commented, “We can’t reveal everyone yet, but there are many famous musicians, other than Lee Juk, who are working on IU’s album.