Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sandara Park gets close with Dadoong

On September 3rd, Sandara Park wrote the following on her me2day “Arrived in Korea and before preparing for the next schedule, briefly stopped by Bonjip’s (parents) house. To get close to Dadoong.
But Dadoong was taking a deep deep nap when I arrived. I had no choice but to wake him up.”
She continued, “With no make up on, bombed hair, and even a rash on my face, I had no choice but to reveal this picture. Because it’s a story between me and Dadoong. Now, starting tomorrow we leave for full fledged activities in Japan, so before then I was determined to receive Dadoong’s kiss. Dadoongah, Kiss kiss!”.
In the pictures the bond between Sandara Park, and a just woken up Dadoong, could be seen. Sandara Park is petting and looking at Dadoong with loving eyes.
Netizens commented “Because you havent seen Dadoong in a while you must’ve been sad,” “You both are so cute and loving,” “You are leaving to Japan tomorrow?” and “I am jealous of Dadoong.”