Friday, October 7, 2011

Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger Talks About Super Junior

K-Pop's popularity is spreading everywhere and is gaining recognition by American and British artists as well.
Such is the case with 2NE1, who got help from Black Eyed in producing their music or Big Bang's recent collaboration with Ludacris for his new headphones "Soul by Ludacris", or when Heechulreceived praise from Lady Gaga (who liked his hair ribbon) when he impersonated her in Paris as Lady Hee Hee. Now it's Super Junior's turn, who got praised by one of the greatest rock icons in world's history,Rolling StonesMick Jagger.
He shared that he found out about Super Junior while listening randomly to some songs online and found a song he could not understand. He felt pretty good about the song, like "having a vacation in Ireland." Then, he searched for information about the song and it turns out that it was Super Junior's song "Walkin" from their fifth album, Mr. Simple. He then asked them to keep it up and that he was impressed by the Asian singers.

This news was so huge regarding Super Junior's popularity that Shindong excitedly tweeted: "This is so cool… Maroon 5 has a song about Jagger-nim… He likes Super Junior’s song... Rolling Stones Mick Jagger!!! Woah awesome!!!" and also "It isn’t even the title track of our 5th album, but the other song, Walkin’! The first part is mine!!! Woah!!! I’m walkin’ to the day!!!! I’m walkin’ to the day…!!!" It's really cool for Super Junior to be recognized by such a huge icon!