Tuesday, November 1, 2011

4minute’s HyunA loses another 6 pounds

4minute‘s HyunA recently reported via her Twitter page, “I lost over 6 pounds in the last 6 days without even dieting, crazy“.

HyunA’s sudden weight loss concerned her fans and they left comments that showed they were genuinely worried.
The weight loss shocked the star herself, as one of her acquaintances responded, “Stick-skinny girls aren’t attractive. I’m sure you didn’t lose the weight on purpose, but eat up“, to which HyunA responded, “Weird, right?”
Her followers commented on her tweet with, “I’ll buy you dinner. You need to put on a few pounds“, “What’s your secret?”, “You’d still be skinny if you put on 20 pounds“, and “Are you sick?”
In related news, HyunA along with her 4minute members will be releasing their sixth single “Ready Go” in Japan,