Monday, November 28, 2011

T.O.P. “Rings the Golden Bell” for His Fellow Schoolmates

T.O.P. “Rings the Golden Bell” for His Fellow Schoolmates

Two weeks ago on November 14, pictures of T.O.P. eating at his college, Dankook University, was uploaded onto an online community.

The pictures shows T.O.P. dressed in a classic university style, enjoying lunch at his school’s cafeteria. Some fans were lucky enough to take some pictures with him. These pictures drew interest from netizens who commented on T.O.P. sharp style and shy smile.
It has just recently been revealed that T.O.P. not only enjoyed the simple and normal school life that day, but also “rang the golden bell” for his fellow schoolmates that were eating at the cafeteria at that time. “Ring the golden bell” is a Korean saying for when one person pays the bill for everyone eating or drinking at the location at that time. So T.O.P. paid the lunch bill for everyone eating at the cafeteria when he was there.
Netizens who read this news commented, “I wish I went to Dankook University,” and “What a generous guy!”