Monday, December 26, 2011

SM Entertainment runs promotional buses featuring EXO on LED screens

SM Entertainment is going all out promoting their upcoming boy group, EXO! During the Christmas holiday, trucks advertising EXO-K and EXO-M were seen all throughout Seoul, alerting fans of the boys’ impending debut.
For the past three days, the trucks have been traveling through Kangnam, Myungdong, Shinchon, and Hongdae, turning heads everywhere with its vivid LED display on the side. As people were already out to shop and enjoy the Christmas holiday, there wasn’t a better time than then to attract as much attention as they could.
Passerbys couldn’t help but stop and stare at KAI‘s teaser as it played on the side of the truck, and many showed much interest in the boys’ debut.
A new teaser is expected to be released on December 27th, so stay tuned for its release!