Thursday, January 12, 2012

Composer of “You & I” reveals the grunt in the song came from IU

If you’ve listened to IU‘s latest song, “You & I“, you would’ve heard a loud grunt right before the bridge.
Netizens amused by the “Argh” sound have been trying to figure out who made it, and it was revealed to be none other than IU herself!
The song’s composer, Lee Minsoo, recently revealed that “The voice behind the grunt belongs to IU herself. It was planned before the song was recorded.”
He explained that the frustrated cry was meant to be a dramatic expression of frustration over the space-time issue in the song’s story.
Lee Minsoo went on to state that IU expresses different emotions every time she sings the lyrics, “Say my name“. The first verse represents the past, the second the present, and the third represents the future.
The first held a note of hope, while the second is meant to be a conveyance of frustration and irritation. The third verse is an expression of IU’s desperate yearning for her love to call for her. The producing team decided that to really punctuate her feelings of frustration after the second version, they decided to toss in the grunt.
Check it out again below! (The sound is heard around the 3:50 mark)