Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Video footage of JYJ receiving KBS’s ‘Best Idol Star’ award revealed

We reported earlier that JYJ had been chosen as the ‘Best Idol Star / Best Icon’ on KBS’s ’2011 Best Star Icon Award’ poll. Last week, the boys were awarded and a picture was posted on KBS’s official twitter account.
Now, a full video interview with the boys after they received their award and bonus herbal medicine. Check out the video and transcript below!
Jaejoong: “Thank you everyone so much for selecting JYJ as 2011′s ‘Best Icon’. We heard that the award was given to us thanks to the many KBS viewers and netizens who voted for us, which makes this award that much more meaningful and we are thrilled to receive it.”
Micky: “Im so grateful that we received this award, despite being lacking in so many ways. I don’t know what to do myself.”
Jaejoong: “You really don’t know what to do with yourself?”
Micky: “Yeah, I really don’t.”
Jaejoong: “What about you, Junsu?”
Junsu: “The fact that we are still considered ‘idol stars’ alone is enough for me. I’m so very thankful.”
Micky: “And even if we grow to be 50… ?”
Junsu: “If we receive this award when we are 50 years old, it will be more prized than any other award that we could ever possibly receive.”
Jaejoong: “We will probably be a little rusty then, won’t we?”
Micky: “(Laughs) Thank You.”
Jaejoong: “Well until then, we promise not to ever change and will continue to work hard as always. Please continue to support and love us until the very end. Thank You.”