Friday, June 22, 2012

Noh Hong Chul Shows Off His New Mercedes Benz Car

Like his wacky optimistic personality, Noh Hong Chul’s new car proved to be one-of-a-kind. On June 20, Noh Hong Chul tweeted, “Yeah! Complete! Hahaha. A reminder to never change from my one and only strength of being optimistic. And open top! A spring to wind me up and challenge me from staying in my comfort zone. So excited! So excited!”
And excited he should be for his new car, as it turned out his newly purchased car was not just any regular two-seater car, but a Mercedes Benz Smart Fortwo Cabrio, the only two-seater vehicle imported into Korea.

Netizens who saw Noh Hong Chul’s newly decorated car commented, “And I thought it was just another two-person car,” “The Hong-Car is so cute!” and “Like Noh Hong Chul, his car is so positive!”



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