Thursday, June 7, 2012

S.E.S. Reveals the Reason Why the Group Broke Up

The members of the first generation female idol group, S.E.S. reunited for a photo shoot and they are looking good. Bada, Eugene and Shoo came together for fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar’s photo shoot, making it their first official gathering with all three members since the group ended in 2002.

With chic smoky eyes and a somewhat retro feel, the members barely looked older than they were when they made their debut in 1997.

Despite the fact that each member has moved on from their idol lives, as Bada has earned accolades as a musical actress, Shoo has embraced motherhood and Eugene is a beauty mentor and actress, the three still showed signs of a strong friendship.

During their interview with Harper’s Bazaar, the members revealed the reason why the group broke up.

“The reason why we disbanded the group was to protect the name of S.E.S. Even though we were young, we promised each other to do even greater things in the name of S.E.S.”

As promised, the S.E.S. members are currently participating in a special charity bazaar event called ‘S.E.S.’ Green Heart,’ to support the natural and social environment to better the future for children.

Eugene personally designed the event’s logo t-shirts and the event will take place on June 9 at Good Buy Selly in Gangnam, Seoul. 
