Thursday, October 20, 2011

CNBlue Gathers a Crowd of 7,000 in Guerrilla Concert to Celebrate Japan Major Label Debut

CN Blue Gathers a Crowd of 7,000 in Guerrilla Concert to Celebrate Japan Major Label Debut

CN Blue has officially started playing in the big leagues in Japan with the release of their major label debut single “In My Head” on October 19, if the 7,000 fans that gathered at the band’s guerrilla concert is any indication.

CN Blue was reportedly only able to perform one song, their title track, “In My Head” because public safety officials were concerned about the live audience that had gathered at Shinjuku Alta in Tokyo.
As it was a guerrilla concert, the time and location of the performance was not pre-announced but word had spread quickly through Twitter from fans who happened upon the venue, according to a Japanese site. Fans then flocked to the venue and along with passersby who had also stayed on to catch the performance, swelled the crowd size.
The four-track “In My Head” mini-album was also listed the third-best selling on Tower Records Japan’s singles chart of October 18, according to the retail site’s Twitter account.
CN Blue began their career in Japan as an indie band in 2009 before their early 2010 debut in their native Korea. The quartet’s “Last Indie One-Man Show,” their last concert as indie artists in Japan, filled the Yokohama Arena with 15,000 fans.