Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hyori spent a quiet day at home after announcing her relationship with Lee Sang Soon

Fans were curious as to how Lee Hyori (32) spent her day after announcing her relationship with singer/songwriter Lee Sang Soon (37).
Their relationship was revealed to the public on the 28th, and the two have reportedly been dating for five months.
A source close to Hyori informed StarNews on the 29th, “Hyori didn’t have anything scheduled yesterday so she spent a quiet day resting at home. She did step out to take care of a few things“.
She will be staying home today as well. Her day-to-day events will not change and she will not take any special actions because of her newly announced relationship“, the source continued.
Another source close to the singer confirmed the relationship on the 28th saying, “Lee Hyori and Lee Sang Soon have known each other for over a year, and they have been dating for about five months. The two are very passionate about animal’s rights and they started dating after completing a charity project together“.
Lee Sang Soon’s representatives also confirmed the relationship on the same day saying, “Yes, it is true that Lee Hyori and Lee Sang Soon are currently dating“.
Hyori released her single “Remember” back in July in an effort to raise funds to help abandoned animals. The song was composed by none other than Lee Sang Soon. They started recording the song in June and have officially been a couple ever since.
Check out their interaction with each other on the EBS FM ‘Music Travel’ radio program back in May: