Friday, December 2, 2011

Boyfriend's Kwangmin Charms with His Warm Winter Look

Boyfriend's Kwangmin Charms with His Warm Winter Look

Right in tune with the chilly weather most of us are experiencing as we head into December, Boyfriend's Kwangmin has been charming fans and netizens with a warm new winter style. 
Recently, an online community board posted up a series of new photos of the member sporting a mature brown blazer and an eye-catching red scarf. His warm, pulled together look aptly brought out his big eyes and snowy skin, making for a look that has fans nicknaming him "warm city man," a play on the popular "cold city man."

Netizens commented, "His scarf really fits him well, he looks so warm," "A true god," "I wish that I was the scarf," and "His hair style changed a bit as well."

Boyfriend is currently preparing a surprise comeback for their fans and are busily rehearsing and practicing to make one final return before the year's end.