Friday, December 30, 2011

Chinese fans hope for a H.O.T reunion

Chinese fans are hoping for an H.O.T reunion.
Former H.O.T member Lee Jae Won recently made comeback a for the first time in four years, now that he has been  discharged from the military.   He held a showcase in China to kick off his Chinese promotions. It was here that the fans expressed their support and hope for a H.O.T reunion.
The showcase was held for five hours at a hotel in Beijing on December 27th in front of 1,000 fan.  The crowd reportedly began gathering on site since the early morning. The fans had various signs with them as well as balloons to congratulate Lee Jae Won on his comeback.
To the pleasant surprise of fans, fellow H.O.T member Tony An made a surprise appearance at the showcase. It was much more meaningful as his visit was also a surprise for Lee Jae Won. After seeing Tony, the fans expressed their desire for a JTL reunion as well, sending the boys their cheers and applause of support.
After the showcase was over, Lee Jae Won remarked, “I was both nervous and excited to stand on stage as it’s been so long, but I was able to have a successful showcase thanks to my fans their support. I will always stand on stage being grateful to my many fans.”