Friday, January 13, 2012

Superstar K3 Busker Busker to Release an Album Later This Year

Superstar K3 Busker Busker to Release an Album Later This Year

Busker Busker will resume their activities as a three man band after the band's drummer, Brad had returned from the States on January 12. 
Mnet, who is handling Busker Busker's management at the moment says, "Brad has definitely returned to Korea. All three members are needed in order to truly be Busker Busker so the three of them will partake in their activities together."

Busker Busker will work to release their album in the latter half of the year. They are also planning on having meetings to find a management company.

Busker Busker came in second place in last year's "Superstar K3" audition program. Right after it ended, Busker Busker stated that they needed to take some time off to think about the band's future in terms of music and direction. To this, they received much criticism. Furthermore, Brad stated that he had to leave to America for personal reasons, which left only the remaining two members to participate in the "Top 11" concert.

Last December, one of the "Superstar K3" judges and legendary singer Lee Seung Chul stated, "No matter what circumstances there are, whether they are personal, non-personal, external or internal, contestants need to sacrifice at least one year for the fans." Fortunately, Brad's return to Korea solidified Busker Busker's future decisions to produce an album this year.