Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Girls’ Generation will make a comeback this May??

On April 16, local media StarEn reported that Girls’ Generation could come back with a new album as early as this May.
StarEn spoke with an official from the music publishing company responsible for Girls’ Generation’s subunit rumors from last week. The representative said, “It’s true that we gave our song to Girls’ Generation but nothing has been decided regarding their subunits. It’s quite common for artists to take our songs. The rumor was taken out of context after we held discussions on what concept to go for.”
The official continued, “In fact, SME said nothing has been finalized regarding the Girls’ Generation’s subunits. But it’s highly possible that they will make a comeback in May.”
The report also spoke with SM Entertainment regarding the subunit rumor, but the only response they got was, “Nothing has been confirmed at this point. We’re looking into it, so it’s difficult to give a clear answer.”
Last week, rumors of the Girls’ Generation forming a subunit spread online after a music publishing company posted on their website, “Our songwriter’s song has been selected for one of the songs in Girls’ Generation’s subunit group’s (Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Jessica) new album, so we’re busy arranging the piece.”