Sunday, April 29, 2012

Super Junior Kim Hee Chul and Simon D Snap a Photo Together at an Internet Cafe

Simon D and Super Junior Kim Hee Chul have been known to be close through Kim Hee Chul’s celebrity group “Chocoball,” which consists of celebrities with the blood type AB, including FT Island’s Lee Hong Ki and Choi Jong Hoon, BEAST’s Yong Joon Hyungmiss A’s FeiJang Geun SukJo Sung MoMithra JinSangchu, and a couple more. 
On April 28, Simon D posted on his Twitter the following photo with the tweet, “I met Hee Chul hyung after a long time, and the location is a PC bang (internet cafĂ©.) lets rock n LOL.” Netizens took notice of the two’s close friendship, as well as Hee Chul’s timeless looks. 

Netizens also commented, “Did they meet coincidentally?”, “I can’t believe the universal stars met,” and “They are both good-looking.”