Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gu Hye Sun Takes the Subway to School

Even as a popular actress and director, Gu Hye Sun practices humility, taking the subway to school.
Shown on KBS2’s Star Life Theater on May 7, Gu Hye Sun headed to take a school exam like any other student, via subway. 

Gu Hye Sun said, “I usually take it from Bupyeong Station, but today, I got on at the Express Bus Terminal,” hinting at the frequency of Gu Hye Sun’s subway trips.

During the ride, fans came up to her and asked for autographs, which Gu Hye Sun happily provided with no complaint.

Surprised at her modest form of transportation, the program staff asked, “Aren’t you aware of the attention of others?” to which Gu Hye Sun replied, “It’s impossible not to notice that. But once I realized that it’s not me being aware of the other people, but the others being aware of me, I was able to feel at peace and just act naturally.”

In addition, having entered Sung Kyun Kwan University in 2011 to study visual arts, Gu Hye Sun shared her thoughts on going to school at the age of 27.

She said, “I don’t think I went to college late. That kind of thinking is really unfair. When doing the things I enjoy and learning about them, age is not important.”

The modest life of this starlet will be shown from May 7 to May 11 on Star Life Theater.
