Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is Kim Tae Hee Preparing to Become a Singer?

Pictures of Kim Tae Hee recording music showed up on an online community board. It has people asking, whether the beautiful celebrity is planning on pursuing a music career.

The picture of her in a recording studio was posted with the title “Kim Tae Hee Who Is Recording Music.” In the picture she is in a recording booth with a white shirt. Her skin looks especially clear and beautiful.
In 2011 of July, Kim Tae Hee was shown in a recording studio. That time she was recording for the “Make-A-Wish” chorus. The recent pictures show Kim Tae Hee with different hairstyle and clothing however, so for now it appears that the recent photos are a new set of pictures.
Netizens that have come across the news stated, “What can’t Kim Tae Hee do,” “Is Kim Tae Hee going to debut as a singer,” and “She still looks like a goddess even though she only wore a shirt.”