Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Super Junior’s Eunhyuk Unveils His Parents

Super Junior’s Eunhyuk has revealed his proud parents to the world.On May 8, Eunhyuk tweeted, “Dad, Mom I love you! You guys must be happy to have such a dutiful son. I’m going to have a son like myself one day too.”

The revealed picture showed Eunhyuk standing between his smiling parents who both wore a carnation pinned to their shirt. 

Eunhyuk later tweeted, “I can’t forget the happy expression on mom and dad’s face when I handed them the money envelope. That money was earned by the sweat and blood of your son, so please use it carefully!”

Eunhyuk’s big gifts to his parents were also previously made known when he revealed on a recent episode of Strong Heart that one of his wishes was to purchase a house for his parents, which he revealed he recently did.

Netizens commented on the photo saying, “Cash and a house? I hope my parents don’t hear about this”, “All three of you look so great” and “I think I see a little bit of Eunhyuk in both his mom and dad.”
