Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Eighties singer Kim Wan Sun reveals what happened when she was late to rehearsals on ‘Win Win’

On June 26th’s ‘Win Win‘, eighties diva Kim Wan Sun revealed a bit of what happened to singers who were late to rehearsal back in the day.

MC Tak Jae Hoon questioned, “As much as you were popular, I bet there were many people who were jealous. There are stories saying that you were cocky.”
Kim Wan Sun explained, “It wasn’t because of tardiness. Back then, there was a scary PD, and if you were one minute late to rehearsal, you had to get on your knees and hold your arms up [as punishment].”
On another note, Lee Sang Won of eighties band Fire Truck, who also guested on the episode, revealed that he used to harbor feelings for Kim Wan Sun.
Source & Image: TV Daily via Nate


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