Friday, June 8, 2012

Haha and Skull Go to See Jason Mraz

Haha is tweeting his excitement at soon seeing one of his favorite musicians.On June 8, Haha tweeted, “Oh, Mraz. I’m here in Busan. I’ll see you in a bit! Following & featuring. I’m going with Skull. Mraz.”

The accompanying picture showed Haha and Skull holding up a placard they had made. Aside from pictures of Haha and Jason Mraz with hearts all around pasted on, a speech bubble above one of Haha’s picture said, ‘Want Need Come On Mraz’ while Jason Mraz’s speech bubble succinctly said, ‘…’

Below were the words ‘Following & Featuring’ along with Haha’s Twitter ID revealing the entertainer’s deep desire to be followed by the musician. 

Netizens commented saying, “Haha went all the way to Busan to see Jason Mraz”, “I Hope you get featured by Jason Mraz” and “Have a good time!”

Jason Mraz will be holding a concert at Busan’s BEXCO on June 8 as the first leg of Jason Mraz’s global concert tour.
