Friday, June 22, 2012

My Name Says It Will Surpass Hwanhee in Two Years

My Name, otherwise known as Fly to the Sky Hwanhee’s ‘Hwanhee Boys’, debuted under the umbrella of its big senior in October 2011 with the single Message. Then in just eight months since its debut, the group made another comeback with its first single albumMYNAME 1st Single.

It set aside for the time being its intense performances, and started promoting with a more reserved image as musicians with its comeback piece Hello & Goodbye.

The group’s increase in practice time seemed to pay off, because My Name’s new album could actually be found on the no. 3 spot of the Hanteo Chart just behind Big Bang and Wonder Girls.

My Name also proved it would be the next big hallyu star by wrapping up a successful showcase in Japan before its actual debut scheduled for July.

Enews put together a simple ‘OX interview’ to help our readers understand just who My Name is. The answers are a compilation of the answers the members agreed on.

My Name has great visuals.

“O. Of course, you’ll have to say we’re a group with great visuals that’s also talented!”

My Name can put on sexy performances.

“Definitely O, but we’ll have to leave Chaejin out. He’s still underage, so he could be censored and get in trouble. The others are all adults, so we think they’ll be able to put on shockingly sexy performances.”

My Name will be a big hit on reality shows or variety shows.

“O. We haven’t had many chances to show anything except for Seyong and Insoo’s regular panel appearances on SBS radio. We especially think JunQ and Chaejin have some unlimited talent hidden inside them. We feel like they’ll be a hit [on such shows]. The members are all looking forward to it, too.”

There’s a member that the others think will get involved in rumors with a girl group within a year.

“X. None of us are very interested in romance. We rarely talk about girls at home, too. It’s not like we’re not interested in girls at all, but we don’t even have cell phones…. Do we have friends at music shows? We just stay by ourselves at the backstage waiting rooms. Sad, but true.”

My Name will surpass Hwanhee’s popularity.

“Everyone says O. When? We think in about two years. Will Hwanhee sunbaenim (senior) be hurt about this interview? No. We think he’ll like it, actually. Even if he doesn’t… we can’t help that. (Laugh)”



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