Directed by Kim Don Won and produced by Pocket Film, ‘R2B: Return To Base’ has been making headlines for starring singer-actor Rain.
The trailer shows thrilling scenes of aerial action in an urban cityscape as planes dangerously weave through the skyscrapers of Seoul and over the Han River in stunning spectacle.
A representative from CJ E&M, the film distributor, shared confidence in the upcoming release. “The trailer immediately received over 25,000 hits after being posted. The clip is filled with scenes you’ve never seen before in a Korean action thriller.”
This action blockbuster follows the story of Taehoon (Rain), the youngest pilot of the special acrobatic air force team Black Eagle. He is transferred to the 21st Fighter Wing, then attacks enemy aircrafts that appear in the skies of Youido.
It was also revealed that aerospace experts were called in to participate in the process of this film production with the wholehearted support of Korea’s actual Air Force. Furthermore, the public has been intrigued by the star-studded cast, which also includes Shin Se Kyung, Lee Jong Suk, Jung Suk Won, and more.
‘R2B: Return To Base’ is scheduled for an August release; check out the trailer below!
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