Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wonder Girls Represents Seoul in ‘Traveler’s Digest’ Cities With the World’s Most Beautiful Women

The Wonder Girls members are being recognized for their beauty.

A February article in Traveler’s Digest is making headlines in Korea for its inclusion of Seoul and the Wonder Girls in its ranking of the world’s cities with the world’s most beautiful women.

In the article’s ranking, Seoul, South Korea came in ninth place and was the lone Asian city included in the article. The writer praised the nightlife and beautiful women of Seoul and wrote, ‘Korea is somewhat of a cultural trendsetter in Asia and it is always at the forefront of the region’s latest fashion and music.”

It then added, “YouTube a video by the Wonder Girls or the song Bo Peep Bo Peep by T-ara to see an example of beautiful Korean pop stars.”

The article then included a picture of the Wonder Girls with the caption, “The Wonder Girls are one of South Korea’s most popular pop groups.”
For the full listing and ranking click here.



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