The beloved Suzy-Baek Sung Hyun couple from KBS’Big has taken a series of pictures together. On July 4, SidusHQ’s me2day posted, “The rising ‘Choong-Ma’ couple! We’re realing pictures from their recent Big me2day chat! It’s really great seeing the two who exhibits friendly relations even outside of shooting. We ask for your continual interest in Big!”
The pictures showed the two ‘Choong-Ma’ couple from the drama smiling and flashing peace signs for the camera while promoting their current drama.
One picture even showed the two putting their hands together to make a heart.
The pictures showed the two ‘Choong-Ma’ couple from the drama smiling and flashing peace signs for the camera while promoting their current drama.
One picture even showed the two putting their hands together to make a heart.
Netizens commented saying, “The Choong-Ma couple looks really great together! How can you two be so cute?”, “You guys look great even off screen” and “I’m cheering you two on!”
In the drama, Baek Sung Hyun’s goofy Baek Choong Sik has a crush on Suzy’s Jang Ma Ri. Big airs every Monday and Tuesday nights.
In the drama, Baek Sung Hyun’s goofy Baek Choong Sik has a crush on Suzy’s Jang Ma Ri. Big airs every Monday and Tuesday nights.
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