Jonte, the renowned Beyonce choreographer who recently stepped into K-Pop, started to take an interest in Jo Kwon’s most recent performance.Jonte tweeted that he had downloaded Jo Kwon’s album, and linked to a video of Jo Kwon performing Animal and I’m Da One on the July 1 broadcast of SBS’Inkigayo.
‘Just downloaded [Jo Kwon’s] album I’m Da One. […] Daebak, he’s dancing in Night Walkers,’ Jonte tweeted along with the links to the album on iTunes and the video on Inkigayo.
Netizens voiced their excitement at a possible collaboration, saying, ‘Animal was acknowledged by a global choreographer’ and ‘The performance was legend!’
Since releasing his first solo album I’m Da One on June 25, Jo Kwon has done a round of music show performances withAnimal and I’m Da One in 19.5cm kill heels, feathered shoulder accessories and a shocking performance with his dancers on a leash.
Netizens voiced their excitement at a possible collaboration, saying, ‘Animal was acknowledged by a global choreographer’ and ‘The performance was legend!’
Since releasing his first solo album I’m Da One on June 25, Jo Kwon has done a round of music show performances withAnimal and I’m Da One in 19.5cm kill heels, feathered shoulder accessories and a shocking performance with his dancers on a leash.
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