Monday, November 21, 2011

SNSD’s Sooyoung, Yuri, and Seohyun Teach How to Shape Sexy Legs

SNSD’s Sooyoung, Yuri, and Seohyun Teach How to Shape Sexy Legs

SNSD’s Sooyoung, Yuri, and Seohyun guest-starred on SBS “Diet Survival Victory” and gave a brief tutorial on how to shape sexy legs.
Yuri and Seohyun were given a separate segment where they invited Sooyoung and talked about her secrets to shaping beautiful legs.
Yuri and Seohyun first introduced Sooyoung as the member with best-shaped legs (although Yuri was quick to admit she did not vote for Sooyoung). Yuri said Kim Saerin, one of the contestants of the show, is working on getting beautiful legs. Hence they wanted to hear from Sooyoung on how to get legs as long and straight as hers.
Sooyoung said these methods are easily applicable in everyday lives, e.g., while watching TV. She stressed the importance of loosening up your ankles as she stretched out her legs and went back and forth with her feet. She added, if that’s not enough, you could try bending your legs, and rotating your ankle with your hand (this is something Sooyoung often does in the car while moving). This move is supposed to relax your muscle and enhance blood circulation in the ankle area. The three girls gave a demonstration of Sooyoung’s method, screaming, “I want thinner calf muscles!”
They said there’s also a move in the choreography of “The Boys” that helps shape your legs. It’s the “point” move at the start of the music video where all the girls bend their right legs while stretching the other leg out. Yuri said, “This is part of our ‘The Boys’ choreography. It’s very similar to regular stretching moves. If you move the stretched out leg to the side, it’s supposed to pressure your inner thigh muscles, resulting in more beautiful legs.” She said it’s an easy move, so if you follow it for a week consistently, you’ll reach your most desired leg shape soon!
Meanwhile, there was a funny moment earlier in the show that Korean netizens were quick to playfully name, “Sooyoung’s ludicrous statement.” She was asked how she kept herself in such good shape, to which she responded, “I just exercise by breathing 24 hours.” Comedian Kim Ji Sun jumped in and said Sooyoung apparently had asked Sean Lee, the celebrity workout trainer, “What do I have to do to gain some weight?”
Sooyoung said, “I want to have a healthy body like Yuri, but I’m just too skinny.” Yuri kept saying, “ridiculous comments,” as she said, “Sooyoung just eats way too much, almost to the point where she just has to stop eating entirely…she’s just blessed with a god-given bodyline. It’s something all the girls from around the world would like to have themselves.” The show’s MC Shin Dong Yup later commented, “Ms. Sooyoung, thank you for your existence!”
Yuri said she likes to work out a lot and that’s the key to her toned body. But the real key was her morning juice as she revealed, “I drink a mixed juice of yam, milk, and apple every morning.” The show’s hosts said that’s not a method you would normally see from girls in their 20s, as Shin Dong Yup said, “My late grandmother used to love yam juice!” 
If you need any workout advice, follow these instructions today and get beautiful legs just like your favorite SNSD girls!