Tuesday, November 22, 2011

T-ara’s Hyomin transforms into the Pokemon Squirtle?

T-ara‘s Hyomin recently shared a set of hilarious photos on Twitter that’s been drawing attention online.
On November 21st, the singer shared the two snapshots above and wrote, “Just got to Tokyo with a ton of luggage in my huge backpack. I look like Squirtle.”
In the photo, Hyomin wears a furry gray hoodie with a heavy bag slung on her back, and squats on the floor with an adorable expression. Indeed, the image as a whole bears a strong resemblance to the Pokemon turtle character, Squirtle.
Netizens who saw the photo remarked, “Hyomin is so cute“, “Squirtle has never looked so cute“, “Furry Squirtle Hyomin is adorable“, etc.
In related news, T-ara is preparing for the release of their upcoming Japanese single, “Ya Ya Ya“.