Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kim Tae Hee's Junior High Photo Revealed

Kim Tae Hee's Junior High Photo Revealed

It's already a well known fact that Kim Tae Hee has both natural beauty and brains.
She is the absolute epitome of "that mother's friend's daughter" you never want to end up being compared to. Still, one can't help but step back in awe over just how naturally beautiful she is when netizen dig up old childhood photos of celebrities. Recently an online community board discovered Kim Tae Hee's junior high school photo during her days at Daehyun Junior High School in Ulsan. 
Although it's easy to tell upon first glance that her beauty is natural, there are subtle hints that give away that she was a model student like her glasses and the simple way she has her hair tied back. It was previously revealed that she had ranked first place in all three years of junior high school, which continued on through high school until she eventually was accepted into the prestigious Seoul National University.
Netizens enviously commented, "Pretty people don't need to dress themselves up to be pretty," "She was like a hidden gem," "She looks like a smart class president," "Must've been popular as a student," "Looks exactly the same minus the glasses and hair," and "Truly a natural beauty." 
Kim Tae Hee recently completed promotions for her Japanese drama Fuji TV's "My 99 Days with a Star" and is currently at home taking a well deserved break.