Thursday, May 3, 2012

2AM members celebrate Jinwoon and Changmin’s birthdays

2AM‘s Jo Kwon revealed some past photos of his fellow members Changmin and Jinwoon in celebration of their birthdays.

Jo Kwon recently tweeted, “Today is Changmin hyung’s birthday~~ :)” while sharing pictures of him and Changmin.

He also tweeted shortly after, “Jinwoon… Happy Birthday. You can definitely become a legend“, along with Jinwoon’s pre-debut photos.

Seulong also humored fans by retweeting Jo Kwon’s tweet with “400,000 followers, infinite re-tweets!“, along with wishing Jinwoon a happy birthday with the comment, “Jinwoon, Happy Birthday. If we’re going down, let’s go down together.”

After viewing the tweets, fans commented, “Jinwoon’s pre-debut pictures will become a legend“, “Happy Birthday Jinwoon and Chagmin!”, “Changmin oppa looks so tired”, and “Jinwoon’s photos are hilarious!”

Happy birthday to Jinwoon (May 2nd) and Changmin (May 1st)!

Source+Picture: Jo Kwon’s Twitter, Seulong’s Twitter