Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Son Dam Bi Quiets Photoshop Rumors with Latest Photos

Son Dam Bi has been involved in rumors of editing her photos lately for her perfect abs and hard-to-believe legs.
Fans accused her of using photoshop to enhance the looks of her bodyline because she just looked too-good-to-be-true in most of her photo spreads.
However, on April 30, her agency Pledis Entertainment released two photos of Son Dam Bi with absolutely no photoshop work done to prove her “innocence.” The photos, taken during her recent shooting for spa/outdoor resort Ocean World, show Son Dam Bi’s stunning bodyline and her unbelievably beautiful legs. Fans have particularly taken notice of her “golden body proportion,” with her small face and tight abs completing her “goddess look.”
Netizens commented, “It’s the trend to release unphotoshopped pictures now,” “Son Dam Bi proved her natural beauty,” and “I need to know if her face is natural.”