Sunday, April 29, 2012

KARA’s Seungyeon reveals a depressing tweet?

KARA‘s Seungyeon recently took to her Twitter to say good night to fans, before dozing off to dreamland.
On April 29th, she tweeted, “Tonight, I’ve seen and realized much and have a lot on my mind… where could I be right now?  I’m heading towards the right path, right?  I hope I can relax comfortably soon… Good Night.”
Judging from her tweet, it appears that the idol is confused about her career, as it is apparent that she reflected much on her life.  The life of an idol is definitely no joke, as it requires a strong mentality that can support hours of practice and dedication.  It may be that, Seungyeon is undergoing one of the hardest moments of her idol career.
Followers posted a variety of comments ranging from, “Stay strong“, “You look beautiful“, and “Stay healthy!

Source + Photos: Seungyeon’s Twitter