Sunday, April 29, 2012

miss A’s Suzy shows off her sexy blue eyes

miss A‘s Suzy recently revealed a gorgeous selca, that showcased her beautiful contact lenses.
On April 28th, Suzy tweeted, “hi Im suzy ~~:-) i have blue eyes i like it like it ☞☜ what about u guys ㅇㅅㅇ?
Moments later she tweeted again with, “Everyone says they hate my blue eyes.  Then, here are my natural ones +_+“.
Pitting the two photos she posted together, the left one obviously portrays an innocent look while the other screams sexy and mature.  Although, fans stressed that her natural eyes look better, I think the blue lens fit her pretty well.
Followers commented, “I pick natural“, “Your natural eyes are your biggest asset ;)“, and “You look like a cat with the lenses on“.
Source + Photos: Miss A Suzy’s Twitter