Saturday, October 1, 2011

Photos of IU in school revealed

Photos of singer IU at school were revealed on an online community site with the simple caption, “Pictures of IU who came to school“.

The two photos are creating quite the buzz amongst netizens, as IU is snapped while in her high school uniform at the all-girls Dongduk High School. IU looks young and innocent in her white top and navy skirt uniform and although she wasn’t wearing her usual stage makeup, she looked fresh and darling. The photos are sure to delight her fans and netizens already can see the potential for IU to only grow more beautiful over time.
Other netizens’ comments included, “She gets prettier by day“, “She is no longer a girl, but a goddess” and “She doesn’t need makeup“.
Meanwhile, IU is ready to make her comeback with new album this October.