Wednesday, November 23, 2011

MC Mong to accept court of appeals’ decision

It seems that MC Mong‘s military draft evasion case has finally come to a close.
After a long, tedious battle in the courts, the singer has decided to accept the decision made by the court of appeals, and has given up  appealing a second time.
MC Mong’s agency told Star News on November 23rd, “We have decided to accept the court of appeals’ decision, and have made the final decision of not appealing to the Supreme Court. MC Mong had until the 23rd to submit an appeal to the Supreme Court, however, he has decided to humbly accept the decision.”
With this news, the verdict from the court of appeal (which is the same as the original one he received) will uphold his sentence of 6 months jail sentence suspended up to 1 year and 120 hours of community service.