Wednesday, January 25, 2012

BoA is looking for the Twitter user, “boakwon”..?

Looks like international superstar BoA has found herself quite a predicament: after seeking to change her current Twitter username @BoA_1105, to her real name @boakwon, the singer unexpectedly came across a problem.
On January 23rd, BoA tweeted, “Wanna change my twitter Account as “boakwon”, but it’s been already taken… Hmm.. Who’s using this… Can we exchange?! Lol
After an attempt, she tweeted again, saying, “I tried to change…It said Username has already been taken…@boakwon WHO ARE YOU?????????
Though the @boakwon page appears to be nonexistant right now, BoA was unable to switch her name. It’s possible (and quite ironic) that a fan of the singer signed up with this username long before.
Ahead of this, BoA also showed off a little traditional holiday spirit by tweeting, “I want to wear a hanbok too. Will I be able to wear it next year?”