Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fortune Teller Reveals BEAST's Future

Fortune Teller Reveals BEAST's Future

Brazilian fortune teller has a New Year’s prediction for the members of Beast.
Last week’s broadcast of MNET’s “Boom the K-Pop” featured 4Minute, G.NA, and Beast. The episode gave an in depth look at South America’s first K-pop concert, “M-Live by CJ United Cube in Brazil.” This week “Boom the K-Pop” will air a follow-up look at the Cube Family’s trip to Brazil. With more of a behind the scenes look, this episode focuses on the activities of the artists.
While in Brazil, the Beast members had their fortunes read. The fortune teller had some interesting things to say about the group, “According to the cards, ironically, all six people are meant to travel. This coming year will award Beast with a strong active schedule as they attract more overseas attention. The more you travel the more that your fame will grow. The strong energy felt from the member’s auras is full of success. Fate has dealt them with talent that extends further than a song as they will succeed in all other areas as well.”
A poll was conducted asking Brazilian fans, “Which of the Beast members would make the best soccer player?” their responses were gathered and counted. In the upcoming episode of “Boom the K-Pop” will also reveal the results of the poll.
In the wake of the successful South American Cube concert it is apparent that the desire for Beast has struck hard in countries like Brazil. From the psychic’s premonitions of what the New Year has in store, 2012 will be a very busy and successful year for Beast. Who knows, maybe Beast will be making a stop in a city near you sooner than you think.
MNET will air this episode of “Boom the K-Pop” on January 5 at 7:30 PM KST.