Monday, February 27, 2012

2NE1′s Dara reveals photos from CL’s birthday

After celebrating CL‘s 21st birthday with her fellow 2NE1 members yesterday, me2day Queen Dara shared a few snapshots from the leader’s birthday bash online.

On February 26th, Sandara uploaded the above picture on her me2day with a caption that read, “Here I am at somebody’s birthday feast after having slept in our dorm. This is already the fifth time that we are having a birthday bash for Cl. I remember the first time we held one during out trainee days, and it gives me goosebumps as I am reminded of how long we have been together as members. Lets celebrate many more birthdays in the future!

Dara also posted a second photo with the caption, “Here is CL with a teddy bear that she received for her birthday from her aunt. Happy Birthday!!

Upon viewing the post, netizens and fans alike complimented CL for the effortless way in which she rocked her leopard print sunglasses as she posed happily with her present. Netizens replied, “She is getting prettier by the day“, “Happy Birthday!” and, “She is like a little child because she still loves stuffed animals!

Source & Image: Nate