Wednesday, February 29, 2012

INFINITE’s ‘Second Invasion – Evolution’ encore concert sells out

It seems there is no stopping INFINITE‘s popularity, for they have sold out another concert within minutes!
With the successful completion of the ‘Second Invasion’ concert that was held on February 11th and 12th, an encore concert was added for April 1st to give more fans a chance to witness the concert. With the tickets for the encore concert opening up for sale on February 28th, the servers became overloaded and caused much lag, as 150,000 people logged in to fight for their chance at a ticket.
The 10,000 seats available were wiped out right away, making this the fourth consecutive time that the boys have sold out their concerts, starting with their Japanese concert back in September.
A concert organizer stated, “The size of the gymnastic stadium is not one you can sell out easily. Additionally, it’s even harder with an encore concert. INFINITE, who possesses strong vocals as well as powerful choreography, is evolving as the divinity within the performance world.”
The encore concert, titled ‘Second Invasion – Evolution’, aims to perfect some of the parts such as the sound, lights, and special effects from the original concert to deliver an even more spectacular show.