Friday, March 2, 2012

2AM’s Jo Kwon touched by Bang Shi Hyuk’s letter

2AM Jo Kwon‘s heart was warmed by producer and songwriter Bang Shi Hyuk.
Jo Kwon recently posted a picture of the letter on his twitter stating, “I was so moved by this. Shi Hyuk hyung fighting!
Bang Shi Hyuk, who is known for being somewhat foul-mouthed and harsh at times, showed his more affectionate and emotional side with this letter to 2AM.
A part of the letter written by Bang Shi Hyuk said, “I just wanted to thank you guys for trusting me and following me with the pure intentions of making great music… This is a new beginning!!! Let’s conquer the universe together~“.
Netizens seeing the message commented, “They have a strong relationship. I’m so jealous.“, “Capture the world with your music. I cannot wait.“, and “I have a feeling that they are going to hit it big.
2AM is aiming to release their comeback album on March 12th, which will be 18 months since their last comeback.
Source + Image: Jo Kwon’s Twitter