Monday, March 5, 2012

Jinwoon's Fans Send Food Carts to "Dream High 2" Cast As Gift

’s youngest member and acting rookie Jinwoon is currently receiving a lot of love as the rebellious "Jin Yoo Jin" on the idol-themed drama “Dream High 2.” His devoted fans showed their appreciation and support with a gift for the drama’s cast.
Jinwoon’s fans delighted everyone on the set with a food cart that welcomed Jinwoon and the other cast members. The cast and staff warmly welcomed the fans and the food they had prepared with much affection.
“Thank you very much for the sincerity of the fans. We run on a tight schedule and this gesture gives great strength to the cast and drama staff,” local news agencies reported Jinwoon as saying. “With this gift, we will do more and work harder.”
“Dream High 2” broadcasts its 11th episode on March 5. For this episode the idol auditions will be held.