Thursday, May 17, 2012

CUBE Entertainment CEO hints at B2ST’s comeback

Some tweets by CUBE Entertainment‘s CEO Hong Seong Sung have pique the interest of B2UTY‘s by hinting at B2ST‘s comeback.

On May 16th, a B2UTY with the Twitter account (@s2ice7) tweeted to Hong Seong Sung: “CEO… T T will our B2ST oppas make a comeback after G.NA unni? >_<
In response, Hong Seong Sung tweeted, “All you B2UTYs, we are planning on making the greatest comeback ever known” and then added, “War and Peace… they are making their return.
It seems B2ST’s return is imminent and it may be titled, “War and Peace”, B2UTY’s are you excited?
Source: Hong Seong Sung’s Twitter