Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fans and Friends Wish miss A’s Min a Happy Birthday with Huge Banner

miss A’s Min is receiving a lot of birthday loving. Ahead of Min’s birthday (June 21), friends and fans already began wishing her a happy birthday on her Twitter, even hanging a giant banner on the JYP Entertainment building

A picture of Min was seen in the banner along with the words, ‘Happy happy birthday. Will always cheer you on! You are the best! Thank you so, so much for being born.’

Fellow miss A member Jia also tweeted her well wishes saying, “Baby~ min~ happy birthday!"

Fei tweeted, ‘Our Min who is the cutest in the world. Happy birthday. Are you getting goose bumps? Ok. I won’t say any goose bumps-inducing words any more. You must always be happy forever… Anyways, see you tomorrow.”

Both members also including pictures of Min with their Tweets.

Happy birthday Min!



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