Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hyori speaks out against eating factory farmed animal meat

Lee Hyori‘s blunt opposition against eating meat from factory farmed animals rubbed many the wrong way as her tweet was misunderstood as a statement attacking those who ate meat.

Recently, Hyori retweeted a post that stated, “Tonight at 11:10, SBS Special ‘Animal, Terms of Being Happy Part 1 – If the meat is sick, the human is sick too‘ do you know about the life of the animal whose meat you’re eating?”. She also added her own words, “Don’t just ignore it because it makes you uncomfortable. Look at the truth behind what we are eating and what is happening in this world.
The tweet caused controversy as people mistook her comment as a criticism against all those who ate meat. She later added to clarify her intentions by tweeting, “There was a frenzy on my twitter page when I checked during the concert. I’m not against people eating meat. I don’t think people who eat meat are bad. I am just against animals being raised in factories… It’s better for humans as well when they eat well raised animals.”
She continued, “Don’t misunderstand, I have no intentions of promoting being vegetarian nor criticizing those who eat meat… I just wrote what I did in attempts to ask people to be more aware of where the food on their table has come from.”
Jung Jae Hyung, singer/song writer and the narrator for the show Hyori tweeted about, came to Hyori’s defense as he wrote about his experience eating out with her.
He tweeted, “For a vegetarian like Hyori, and a meat-eater like Jae Hyung, we both take each other into consideration when we’re eating out. For Hyori who finds herself in a predicament sometimes due to the nature of the outings, I pile up vegetable and snacks in front of her. Seeing me feel bad, Hyori tells me not to worry.”
“Is there anything else to life? All we have to do is look out for and console each other! I don’t like meat too much, but I also don’t eat meat feeling bad about it. However, while I’ve been narrating [for the show], I’ve been thinking a lot about things.”
Source & Photo: Osen