Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Son Dam Bi to return to the music scene in August

‘Dancing queen’ Son Dam Bi, who announced her comeback for next month, has unfortunately pushed it back to August.

According to Pledis, Son Dam Bi plans on releasing her new album immediately after her drama,MBC‘s ‘Light and Shadow‘, comes to an end
With a total of 50 episodes, ‘Light and Shadow’ began airing in November of 2011 and was scheduled to end in May, which initially lead Son Dam Bi to make her return in July. However, due to the 14-episode extension of ‘Light and Shadow’, the singer and actress had no choice but to delay her comeback to a later date in August.
Although August will overlap with the 2012 London Olympics, Son Dam Bi has decided to release her album right after ‘Light and Shadow’ ends filming as it will be her first comeback in two years.
Som Dam Bi released her album ‘The Queen‘ in July of 2010 and her digital single,’dB Rider‘, two months later. Despite her busy schedule for the MBC drama, the singer has been preparing for her upcoming album since the second half of last year. She has completed recording the album and mastering the choreography for her comeback song. All that is left is to begin filming the music video.
A representative from Pledis stated, “As this is her first comeback in a while, she is aiming to perfect her comeback preparation. Although her comeback has been delayed, we will take advantage of the extra time to better prepare for it.”
Source & Image: Sports DongAh via Nate


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