Jang Keun Suk tweeted a photo on July 1 with the caption, ‘Return to Seoul. I turned the channel to NHK and I saw some guy that looks like this. Oh my god. Why is his singing so good? I like him. I want to be a Jangeo (Eel, Jang Keun Suk’s fanclub) too… says Jang Keun Suk.’
The photo was of a screen showing Jang Keun Suk on NHK’s Music Japan, on which he sang his single Crazy Crazy Crazylive.
In the day’s broadcast, Jang Keun Suk visited the NHK CD room with the Perfume members.
He sifted through Michael Jackson CDs he used to listen to when he was little as well as his own CDs, and danced, sang and acted as bright as always.
Onstage, he turned his image around and took over with his charismatic performance.
Jang Keun Suk flew to Japan on June 22 to appear on Fuji TV’s Hey Hey Hey and NHK’s Music Japan for his first live performance.
In the day’s broadcast, Jang Keun Suk visited the NHK CD room with the Perfume members.
He sifted through Michael Jackson CDs he used to listen to when he was little as well as his own CDs, and danced, sang and acted as bright as always.
Onstage, he turned his image around and took over with his charismatic performance.
Jang Keun Suk flew to Japan on June 22 to appear on Fuji TV’s Hey Hey Hey and NHK’s Music Japan for his first live performance.
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