On December 1st, actor Song Seung Hun shared the photo above via his official me2day page with the caption, “At the MAMA with my awesome Ooh La La dongsengs ^^“.
In the photo, Song Seung Hun smiled brightly as he stood in the midst of the Ooh La La Session members who struck various poses for the camera. Song Seung Hun’s head which was significantly smaller than the rest, became a hot topic of discussion amongst netizens.
Netizens who saw the photo responded wich comments such as, “Top star meets another top star!”, “Jealous. Too bad Lim Yoon Tek couldn’t be there for the photo“, and “Song Seung Hun hyungnim! Your head is so small“.
The photo was taken at the 2011 Mnet Asian Music Awards, held in Singapore on November 29th. Song Seung Hun served as an award presenter at the event, while Ooh La La Session put on a phenomenal performance.